Translation Management System (TMS)

Your window into the translation process

A Translation Management System (TMS) is a cloud-based project management platform that enables everyone on the translation team to work together in the same workspace, representing a truly end-to-end management system. A TMS is your window into the translation process.

A Translation Management System (TMS):

Translation Management System (TMS)


Our Translation Management System

Our Translation Management System called LinguaHub provides a complete translation environment, enabling real-time access to the translation project resources and all related information. Having a TMS increases the efficiency of translation services and provides a monitoring mechanism through the collaborative workflow platform.

Automated Translation Workflow in LinguaHub

A TMS provides an automated translation workflow. A translation project requester submits a request to the translation provider by accessing the LinguaHub workspace (client portal) and filling in a simple order form.
Everyone on the translation team (translators, project managers, reviewers, etc.) can share comments and set status information (in progress, completed, validated, problem, etc.). No one has to download and email documents or revisions, as all content is stored in the TMS.
Once the documents have been translated, the translation project manager signs off on the project and adds the files to the LinguaHub portal. The client is notified by email when the project is completed and then connects to the portal to retrieve the translated files.
Automated translation

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