Professional translation

High-quality translations in any language combination

We are proud to offer translation services in up to 160 languages, with multiple language combinations available to suit your needs. Simply let us know your preferred language combination, and our team of experts will take care of the rest. Our extensive network of professional translators enables us to provide accurate and high-quality translations in virtually any language combination. With our commitment to excellence, you can trust that your translation needs will be met with the utmost care and attention to detail.

High-quality translations in any language combination
Technical Translations

Technical Translations

Technical translations may be required if you sell a product in another country. Technical content includes user guides, instruction manuals, product data sheets, training manuals, and much more. Many industries produce some kind of technical translation for their users and operators.
By nature, technical translations typically require specific terminology for the product and industry. It’s important to have the right translation tools in place to maximize translation efficiencies.

Marketing Translations

The translation of marketing content requires an approach that’s different from that of technical translations. The same applies to translation of Legal documentation: the style, the “voice” and the terminology will be different for each application.
With multiple channels clamouring for attention, localization of marketing content requires agility and speed but also careful attention to cultural, linguistic, and even political elements. We call this “Transcreation”: making content not just work globally, but also locally. It can make a critical difference when entering new international markets!
For translation and localization of product documentation in regulated industries such as Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, and Healthcare, accuracy is the absolute priority. We implement a detailed and consistent process for translation of over 30 file types.
Building robust translation memories, glossaries, and style guides, coupled with our linguistic and subject matter expertise will ensure your documents are accurate, timely, and effective in their target locale.
Marketing Translations
Certified Translations

Certified Translations

A certified translation is a translation of a document accompanied with a document signed by a translator or translation company stating that the translation is accurate and complete. It doesn’t mean that a translator is certified, as there are no federal or state certifications for translators.
A certified translation may be required in a legal setting or for personal documentation like birth or death certificates.

Desktop Publishing (DTP)

The Desktop Publishing (DTP) service is responsible for the composition of document pages, including the arrangement of various elements such as images, texts, icons, tables, and buttons (in the case of interactive DTP). It adheres to the design guidelines, ensuring that the composition is harmonious and possesses editorial logic in the relevant languages.
The service offers the organization of written, visual, and in some cases, audio-visual (multimedia) content onto a space, through printed and electronic media, as well as websites and publications.
To ensure an enjoyable reading experience for the audience, a well translated text requires suitable DTP. The typography or composition of the text varies considerably across different languages and must be inviting to the reader once printed.
Our DTP service ensures that all necessary details are taken care of to achieve excellence in each project, including appropriate typography, spacing between words, line spacing, paragraph spacing, separation between the text and the image, location of the image and more. This results in attractive reading conditions and perfect comprehension.
The service covers the full editorial needs of the client, providing the translated texts, whether printed or electronic, in their final format, ready for printing and publication.
All DTP tasks are performed by specialists in graphic arts and formatting, who are qualified and experienced in the field and equipped with the necessary graphic tools to complete the service. Professionalism is at the core of this service, ensuring exceptional quality and customer satisfaction.
Desktop Publishing (DTP)
Proofreading Services

Proofreading Services

Our proofreading services entail a meticulous checklist of items that require thorough review, encompassing terminology, spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, and various other aspects. We also ensure that any changes made during proofreading are updated in our translation tools. Proofreading involves highly detailed and precise work, where our team of experts is committed to ensuring that the translated content is free of errors and inconsistencies and adheres to the highest standards of quality.
We understand the importance of accurate translation in conveying the intended meaning, which is why we leave no stone unturned in ensuring the accuracy and quality of the content.

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How do we work?

Project Management

Achieving the highest quality in translation and localization requires a network of professionals working together. Our project management team plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and successful process from start to finish. They handle everything from quotes to serving as a single point of contact for translators and clients.
Our dedicated team is committed to supporting your international growth every step of the way. If you have a tight deadline, simply send your request to our project managers, and they will take care of everything, making the process easier for you. Our experienced project managers are equipped to handle a wide range of requests, including large volumes of languages and words.
We maintain constant communication with translators from all over the world, ensuring that we can handle any possible emergency that may arise. In addition to translation and localization services, we also offer transcription and interpretation services for upcoming events. Our project managers are equipped to help you adapt your content for diverse audiences, extending your business internationally.
At our core, we prioritize quality above all else. Our project managers are always happy to provide any necessary resources to ensure that your quality standards are met. With our team’s expertise and dedication, you can rest assured that your international growth is in good hands.
Project Management












Receipt of documents
Through client portal, email, FTP site, etc
Localization engineering and format assessment
Text and media analysis
  • Specific terminology
  • Style
  • Reference documents
  • Glossaries
Use of CAT tools
  • Translation memories
  • Term management tools
  • Quality control tools



Assignment to a Project Manager
Expertise in the subject matter, according to the client business unit.
Formation of a team
  • Localization engineers
  • Translators
  • Proofreaders
  • Layout designers
  • Quality reviewers (LQA)
Drawing up of work schedule, delivery deadlines, contact with client



Expertise in the subject matter, according to the client business unit.
Review by a second translator
Quality report from automatic tool
DTP (Layout)
Quality Assurance by MondragonLingua



Delivery of documents

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